Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Planted parsnips today

Yes it took a while to prepare the ground. Have put in rock dust, powdered seaweed and blood and bone, not to mention a bit of lime. Fortunately had the iphone playing new tunes all the time so managed to get the ground fairly fine. Then I planted the soaked seeds and put on some sacks.

Must keep it well watered and take the sacks off the moment they germinate.

The tiny celeriac plants I grew from seed have also been planted but the cat dug it up. I also sprinkled some celeriac seed around. My word it is so tiny. My sister Lesley in Christchurch said she grew her plants in trays last June!

And I have taken off the netting from the strawberries, which have been so wonderful. The pine needles mulch has been a great success. The strawberries are now having babies and I am not sure what I will do with them. I got mine from Christabel Jackson in March and maybe I will keep them for others.

The beans are flowering and the tomatoes are setting. The peas are nearly finished though another lot is coming up. I have just bought some wallflowers to plant tomorrow.

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